Forest and Product Certification
"MFCC governs all processes of forest certification to bring enhanced
sustainable forest management to Myanmar".
Firstly MFCC holds overall responsibility for Certificaiton Standard setting processes and related activities. Currently, the Myanmar Timber Legality Assurance System (MTLAS) is operational. Furthermore it also has two draft SFM Standards (natural and plantation forests) that have undergone extensive stakeholder consultation. And it will be approved in the next few months.
Sustainable Forest Management
Additionally MFCC was developing Myanmar Criteria and Indicators (C&I) for natural forest management certification in 2007. It based on ITTO’s 2005 Criteria and Indicators for SFM of tropical forests. Moreover it was carrying out development and revisions following national stakeholder consultation in accordance with its standard setting procedures. And it is also finalising and developing these C&Is and also the C&Is for plantation forests soon.
Timber Legality Assurance System
Myanmar Forest Certification Committee (MFCC) was developing the Myanmar Timber Legality Assurance System (MTLAS) in 2013. It was based on the ASEAN Criteria and Indicators for Legality of Timber. On the other hand independent third party Certification Bodies (CB) are carrying out compliance against MTLAS. Moreover, MFCC also demands that CBs demonstrate a commitment towards achieving accreditation against ISO/IEC 17065 and ISO 19011:2011.
Chain of Custody
Moreover, MFCC is currently in the process of developing a Chain of Custody (CoC) to ensure forest produce to track back to certified forests. This mechanism is in fact integral to MFCC achieving its goal of PEFC endorsement of the Myanmar SFM system. And additionally, a robust CoC will form a critical part of all MFCC Standards. It also ensure any product claims are credible and verifiable. Moreover, for PEFC endorsed certificates, it will allow companies to use the PEFC logo on products.
MFCC System
MFCC has a number of policy, procedural and standard documents. Those will make up the whole system to be publicly available not only in the interests of accountability and transparency, but also to encourage input and sharing. Besides it has produced a summary list of these key technical documents to assist interested parties in navigating and accessing them. Please visit our dedicated technical standards page to access to the documents through the links provided.
Traceability Assurance
Through its partnership with PEFC International, MFCC has set aside significant resources to create a digital platform that can be used by interested parties such as retailers, NGOs and Government. They can verify and track a range of SFM and timber legality related certificates. The platform will allow the tracking of certificates issued to supply chain entities (such as forest management units and sawmills), Certification Bodies and actual consignments of product. In addition the vision is to allow entities and Certification Bodies to upload information and data themselves. The main target is to have the system fully operational by the middle of 2020.
In the meantime MFCC will publish registers of Certified entities, consignments and Certification Bodies, update these registers monthly, and make all information available on the MFCC website.
Certification Bodies
Above all MFCC is committed to ensuring that auditing against its Standard(s)to carry out to the highest international standards by independent and impartial third party Certification Bodies. To achieve this, MFCC demands Certification Bodies to comply with a range of minimum requirements. In addition key selection criteria include not only satisfactory completion of a range of its auditor trainings, but also to demonstrate a measurable and time-bound commitment towards achieving ISO accreditation against ISO Standards including ISO 17065: 2012.
Currently MFCC have assessed the four Certification Bodies below as competent by based upon the minimum requirements set out in MFCC's Policy 5 Certification Body Requirements.
All MFCC Certification Body details will be updated monthly in the following register.
Nature Watch
Nature Watch was formed in 2017 and notified as an MFCC Certification Body in 2018. Their vision is to ensure sustainability of Myanmar’s forests for future generations and meet current needs for legality and sustainabile timber forest products.
Contact email:
Mobile number: +95 95063563United Forestry Services
United Forestry Services were founded in 2017. As a Certification Body they were initially notified as an Myanmar Forest Certification Committee’s Certification Body in May 2018. Since then United Forestry Services have conducted several key field audit testing activities.
Contact email:
Mobile number: +95 99797005161Double Helix Tracking Technologies
DoubleHelix provides innovative timber supply chain verification services to buyers and exporters of wood products world-wide. Established in 2008 and operating in Myanmar since 2013.It is headquartered in Singapore. Contact email: Mobile number: +95 95350333
Nature Watch

Nature Watch Co.,Ltd was formed in 2017. Their vision is to ensure sustainability of Myanmar’s forests and biodiversity for future generations. Moreover in 2018 Nature Watch becomes a notified MFCC Certification Body. Nature Watch aims to promote environmental, social and economic benefits in the context of forestry and biodiversity. They also aim to meet current needs for the legality and sustainability of timber forest products without damaging the health of forests and environments.
United Forestry Services

United Forestry Services were founded in 2017. As a Certification Body they attended all the MFCC auditor training courses. As a result, they initially notify as an MFCC Certification Body in May 2018. Since then United Forestry Services have conducted several key field audit testing activities.