Preliminary Assessment to private plantation area for MFCS
Date: 7 and 8 October 2019
Place: Phyo Sithu Private Plantation (Pegu Region, Pyay District, Phauk Khaung Township)
MFCC visited and met with representatives of Phyo Sithu private plantation & Trading co.,ltd. And also access demonstration sites which is Taung Na Win Forest reserve for forest management across private plantation. Additionally, this is also a preliminary assessment for Myanmar Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification at MFCC-PEFC Pilot Teak Plantation Project Area.
Moreover, Phyo Sithu Private plantation began planting the Taung Na Win Forest reserve’s almost over a million teak trees (MMTimes), which cover around 2,520 acres in that region, in 2007 when the government started leasing land to private companies for teak plantations in the Bago-Yoma mountain range.